Wood crusher blade blunt how to deal with?

      Wood crusher in the smashing work for some time, will inevitably encounter wood crusher blade wear situation. This time the wood crusher blade from the blunt sharp, restore the efficiency of wood crusher into the most urgent problem to be solved. The following for everyone to provide wood crusher blade wear solution:
1.the blade is not worn blunt
   If the wood crusher blade is not well lubricated or the wood crusher causes a lot of dirt to stick to the blade due to crushing the sticky object, it will also cause the wood crusher blade to become blunt. If we encounter this situation, clear the dirt off the blade, and then to the wood crusher blade can be lubricated.
2.the blade is slightly worn
   If the wear of the wood crusher blade is a slight wear, then the blunt wood crusher blade removed, and then cleaning work, cleaning can be completed after the completion of grinding session. The final job is to re-install the wood crusher blade. Tips: After grinding a good wood crusher blade installed on the wood crusher, it is best to immediately carry out a lubrication work.
3.the blade serious wear and tear blunt
   If the wear of the wood crusher blade is very serious (it can not be repaired or the repair cost is too high), the new wood crusher blade must be replaced. When buying a new wood crusher blade, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the wood crusher blade, do not sloppy.

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